More than half of contractors surveyed said they did not use machine control on their equipment but 30% said they were interested in the technology.

Machine control solutions have been around since the 1990s, yet many contractors are still hesitant to pull the trigger on the technology – or don’t plan on adopting it at all. That’s according to the results from Equipment World’s latest website visitor poll.
Out of 129 respondents surveyed from April 15 to May 15, 2024, more than half (54%) said they were not using machine control on their construction equipment. Of that 54%, 30% said they are interested but haven’t taken the leap, and 24% are not considering the technology.
When given the option to comment on what they thought was holding them back from adopting machine control solutions, respondents pointed to a few primary factors: the cost of the initial investment, the time required to integrate it, or that the type of work they typically do doesn’t require it.
One respondent noted, “The concrete that we match up to is not consistent with the design to grade to reliably with grade controls. Plus, most of our projects are transient in nature. We’re onsite for a few shifts fine grading and then paving.”
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