

One-stop Trade Platform for Concrete, Flooring, Mortar.


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One-stop Trade Platform For Concrete, Flooring, And Mortar.


Kaitlin N. Schuler
, Editor

Two industry marketing experts discuss the power of effective branding and how to create a high ROI by keeping it simple.

One way to set your contracting company apart from the competition is through effective branding, according to two construction marketing experts.  

“People buy from brands that have purpose and stand for something, whether that’s safety, quality, value or community support,” said Jamie Samide, vice president of marketing for Beacon Roofing Supply. “Yet many brands fail to set themselves up for success.” 

Samide joined Benny Fisher, owner and founder of The Big Fish Contracting Company in Pittsburgh, at the 2024 International Roofing Expo to explore how branding impacts construction businesses and provide contractors with strategies for effective branding.  

When it comes to prospects and customers, Samide and Fisher noted that: 

  • Strong, recognizable brands bring in more leads with less effort. 
  • Branding has a high influence on initial purchase decisions. 
  • Brand awareness equals shorter sales cycles. Customers are more likely to seek you out and will spend less time weighing different options. 
  • Premium brands can charge premium prices, driving higher profits.  

They also highlighted other benefits of branding to the company, including: 

  • Giving employees a better understanding of their company. 
  • Helping team members feel connected to strategic goals. 
  • Attracting talent and improving overall retention. 
  • Creating credibility with vendors and increasing purchasing power.  

Here are three simple questions from Samide and Fisher to help you build your brand: 

1 | Who? 

“Who you focus on defines the rest of your strategy,” said Samide.  

Determine what your niche is and/or who your best customers are and focus your marketing efforts to reach those people. For example, if you specialize in historic homes, said Samide, there will be certain geographical areas that fit the bill and others that do not. Hone in on the areas with your target customers.  

“The more niche you can get,” Fisher said, “the louder you can scream from the rooftops that you’re an expert in something.” 

2 | What?

Think about your favorite brands. What do they stand for? Keeping it simple is key, Samide said, because your company then feels like the path of least resistance for customers.   

“Focus on the points of difference and what sets you apart,” he said. “What are other competitors not doing well? Where can you really shine? You need to have something different to stand out, and it needs to be something your customers care about.”  

3 | How?

Decide what steps need to be taken to achieve the who and what answers from the first two steps. This could include updated company logos, strong and cohesive messaging across multiple platforms and a refreshed lead generation strategy that makes the most of tools such as artificial intelligence, video and targeted online advertising.  

“Emotion is a powerful tool in building brands,” said Samide. “Think about what could help you bring that emotion to create a memorable touchpoint.”