General concrete
Concrete is one of the most important contemporary civil engineering materials. It is an artificial stone composed of cementitious materials, granular aggregates (also known as aggregates), water, and additives and admixtures added when necessary, in a certain proportion. The production process requires uniform mixing, dense molding, curing hardening these three processes. World of Concrete Asia covers a wide range of general concrete exhibits (including concrete mixing/production / transportation tools and equipment, concrete construction equipment, concrete reinforcement and reinforcement equipment). These exhibits will help you to be more energy-saving, environmentally friendly and efficient in production. The exhibition follows national policy requirements and industry development needs to show industry cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements. Our exhibition area of chemicals, raw materials, precast concrete and production equipment will show you advanced technology and professional production management.
Product Category
– Mixing Equipment
– Concrete Transportation: mixer trucks, mixers, pumping equipment
– Pouring Concrete: paving equipment, vibration equipment, material spreader, maintenance technology, steel fiber, steel mesh, expansion joint, etc.
– Precast: Prefabricated formwork, steel bar processing equipment, software; decorative product, etc.
– Cutting, Crushing, Blasting, etc.
– Consumables: diamond rope, drill, piece
– Aggregate Production
– Mining Equipment: excavation equipment, crushing equipment, vibration equipment, accessories, etc.
– Waste Concrete Recycling Equipment and Products
– Concrete Admixture
– Concrete Detection Drive
– Concrete Reinforcement
– Decorative Concrete
– Water Permeable Concrete Brick
– Cement: special cement, white cement
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关键词:上海砂浆展 地坪展 模板脚手架展 混凝土展 混凝土机械展 地面材料展 铺装技术展